Thursday, November 19, 2009

My New Moon Experience

So I went and saw an early screening of Twilight New Moon yesterday, and here is what went down:

2:15 pm: Get a text from my siser saying she has an extra ticket to the New Moon screening. I'm bored, sick and need a good laugh so I decide to go. Major plus it's FREE.

3:00 pm: Arrive at Regal Cinema to meet up with my sister's friends's brother, who has been waiting since 8:45 am to ensure we get in and have good seats. Strange crowd of, young girls in various Twilight/New Moon shirts, and older unattractive people. Now we wait.

3:36 pm: Rumors, sweet rumors of numbered wristbands that will allow us to leave and come back.

3:38 pm: Annoying teens running and screaming. Need a gun.

4:06 pm: Lady with wristbands! I love her.

4:16 pm: Chili's!

5:? pm: Back to the theater. Get to stand inside now. Bored. Had to leave cell in car for screening. I need a nap.

6:15 pm: The adults are worse then the teens. I don't want to hear about your anime or about how you live with your mom.

People in front of us are just people who love free stuff, they didn't even read the books. My sister said that they said "we don't read". Don't laugh, don't laugh.

I miss my phone!

6:16 pm: Line up in order to get wanded for cell phones and video recording devices. I hope they accidently touch me somewhere so I can free tickets to something else ;).

6:20 pm: The free stuff people are talking about how they discovered they can go to Whole Foods all day and just eat free samples. They probably like Obama money too.

6:22ish pm: Enter theater. I love sitting. So many "OMG" and "I'm soooo excited"

Things I need to do:
Invest in a watch.
Invest in a "Team Sanity" Shirt.
Pray for today's youth.

6:40 pm: Theater is filling with press, young teens, "cool" moms, and D&D crowd.

6:42 pm: I miss my phone!

6:55 pm: Suppose to start in five. Why am I here?

7:06 pm: It begins. A full moon (isn't it called New Moon?) sits on the screen and the title is revealed. Here we go:

Oh great it starts with another cheesy voice over.

Wow didn't fix the glitter problem.

More trees within first two minutes.

Ok Robs acting consists of making weird facial expressions. It looks like he just farted and is trying not to laugh about it.

Taylor not much better than the other two "actors" in beginning, but he gets better.

Jasper looks better, but is still trying to hold in his fart.

Kristen's acting:
Little smirk.
Short breath.
Scratches forehead... a lot.
But overall not as bad as usual. She had some good moments. Good for Chris Weitz.

We know it's a paper cut you don't need to announce it.

Cinematography 100% better than Twilight. Thank you Chris Weitz and Javier Aguirresarobe.

Rob's mind while acting:
Did I fart?
That's funny.
Breathe it in.
I'm sad.
I'm mad.
Breathe deeper.

The man sure takes lots of deep breaths for playing someone who doesn't need to breathe.

The kissing sounds like they're getting it on.

Random screams in sleep also sounds like dirty time.

Bella's high school friends have good timing. They're fuuny.

Oh a creepy Edward ghost who moves like a death eater. That's... interesting.

Why does Bella have to describe everything through voiceover emails to Alice?

Girl's in theater scream for:
Taylor removing shirt.
Taylor with short hair.
Other hot teen werewolves.
And Taylor as the actual werewolf? Sexy beast? Are animals hot now?

Fun watching Kristens hair move back and forth from behind her ear in every shot, and disappearing head wounds. Continuity?

Victoria got some fashion sense and some shoes. Thats nice.

Awkward frolicking? Not good when people laugh at a "serious" moment.

Nice wig Nikki Reed. Not!

Hey Dakota Fanning was in it for like 5 seconds.

Rob's mild soft chest hair scares me.

Michael does not make for a sexy vampire.

9:12 pm: It's over. With a nice cheesy ending.

So it was better than Twilight, mainly because Pattinson wasn't in it that much. May end up being the best one because of that.

Could of done without creepy Edward ghost.

Overall wasn't great but better. It actually looked like a movie. I'm glad they dropped Hardwicke. I didn't mind it and didn't laugh at it as much as the first one. So i'm ok with you if you like it, but there are really good films out there, you should watch some.

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